Here are some of the bands I’ve had the pleasure of recording so far:
- 1956
- 94 Distortion
- Abadon
- Absolutely
- Ahab’s Ghost
- All The Damn Action
- Allantide
- Alta
- Ando and the Jolly Barrels
- Ando Ehlers
- Animal Lover
- Animals In Human Attire
- Antler House
- Ara
- Arcade Mode
- Armada
- Arms Of Versailles
- Asatta
- Aseethe
- Asrava
- Assault & Battery
- Astral Hand
- Atlatl
- Attalla
- Ayindie Garry
- Baba Yaga
- Backbone
- Bad Grades
- Bald Eagle
- Ball Turret Gunners
- Bicentennial Rub
- Blind Fiction
- Blue Sky Hour
- Bob Gun
- Body Futures
- Boy With Bosoms
- Brain Bats
- Brain Tacos
- Breathe Fire
- Brett Newski
- Bright Black
- Bright Kind
- Broken Prayer
- Bron Sage
- Buggin Out
- Burning Sons
- Cages
- Calevodium
- Call Me Lightning
- Canopy
- Carlyle Nowak
- Catacombs Of Rome
- Centipedes
- Certain Stars
- Chariots Race
- Chatter Marks
- Chief
- China Pig
- Chris DeMay
- Chris Head and the Honchos
- Clock a Clay
- Clone Heart
- Coffin Dodger
- Common Ground
- Concentric
- Conqueror Worm
- Conquest For Death
- Conrad Plymouth
- Convert
- Cop Eater
- Corpse Donor
- Cougar Den
- Coward
- Credentials
- Crooked Keys
- Cross Me
- Cry Coyote
- Curb
- Dangerfield
- Danny Price And The Loose Change
- Dark Psychic
- Dead Fingers
- Dead Issue
- Dead Morticians
- Decibully
- Descarga
- Designed After Nothing
- Devil Met Contention
- Dim Suns
- Direct Hit
- Disguised As Birds
- Doghouse Flowers
- Dr Shrinker
- Dr Snake Oil
- Dramatic Lovers
- Drumlins
- Eagle Trace
- Emily Zimmer
- Emissary
- Enabler
- Escape Is Not Freedom
- Estates
- Evacuate The Earth
- Evenstar
- Expire
- F/i
- Face For Radio
- Falter
- Fame
- Father Phoenix
- Faux Fiction
- Feck
- Field Report
- Flat Teeth
- Florida Brothers Band
- Focused Minds
- Forstella Ford
- Freight
- Fresh Hell
- Future Plans
- Fuzzysurf
- Gallery Night
- Geena
- Get Rad
- Glacial Speed
- Glenn McCormick
- Gnatiform
- Godeaters
- GoGo Slow
- Granular Breath
- Grasping at Straws
- Gravedirt
- Group Of The Altos
- H1N1
- Half Glass Full
- Half Gorilla
- Hammered
- Hanging Hearts
- Harms Way
- Haunted Heads
- Haymarket Riot
- Heavy Hand
- Heavy Looks
- Herds
- Herman Astro
- High Lonesome
- High On Crime
- Hit School
- Honey Get The Gun
- Hot Coffin
- Hughs Family Band
- Ian Gould
- Ian Olvera & the Sleepwalkers
- IfIHadAHiFi
- Impatience
- Indonesian Junk
- Iron Cages
- Jakalope
- Jamie Yanda
- Jamie Yanda
- Jene Tate
- Jim Powell
- JoAnn Riedl
- Joe Wong
- John Gimler
- John The Savage
- Johnny’s Goin’ Heavy
- Jon Liedtke and the Witching Hour
- Jon Mueller
- Jonathan Burks
- Joseph Huber
- Juice Boxxx
- Juniper Tar
- Kaapivara
- Knaaves
- Kyle Feerick
- Labrador
- Ladders
- Lady Cannon
- Liar Birds
- Liar’s Trial
- Like Like The The The Death
- Lines and Terminals
- Lisa Ridgely
- Listening Party
- Long Acre
- Lord Alabamy
- Lost Lanes
- Lost Orange Cat
- Lost Tribes Of The Moon
- Lotus Ash
- Lovely Socialite
- Low End
- Lurking
- Magnetic Minds
- Mahogany Throttle
- Maidens
- Malachi
- Mania Kids
- Manipulation
- Marcella
- Marcy
- Mark Hillstrom
- Mark Yencheske
- Masonry
- Matthew Davies
- Mayans
- Memphis Suicide
- Midnight Reruns
- Midwestern Charm
- Midwives
- Mike Marvell
- Monotaur
- Mother Orchis
- Mountain Language
- Mr Gray
- Multiple Truths
- Murderhorse
- Myles Coyne and the Rusty Nickles
- Nadula
- Negative Positive
- NeoCaveman
- Nick Berg
- No Brainer
- Northless
- Nosferatu
- Nothing In Common
- Novel
- Obsidian Sword
- Oxblood
- Pale Girls
- Panic On Panic
- Paper Holland
- Parallel
- Party By The Slice
- Patrick Reinholz
- People Again
- Permanent Damage
- Peroxide
- Peter Woods
- Pezintino
- Philo Betho
- Piles
- Pineboy
- Platinum Boys
- PlayerB
- Population Control
- Power Wagon
- Pretty Wounds
- Prezir
- Protestant
- Quest For Fire
- Rattlecan Kings
- Razor Fist
- Rebecca Royce
- Recalcitrant
- Rectifier
- Red Knife Lottery
- Retoro
- Ritual Form
- River Runs Red
- Rocket Boy 55
- Rocket Cat
- Rocket Paloma
- Rosencrantz
- Saebra & Carlyle
- Sam Frederick
- Saphobily
- Satan’s Dealer
- Scathed
- Scowler
- Sex Scenes
- Sharking Hour
- Shogun
- Shroud Of Despondency
- Silver Forest
- Sin Orden
- Slow Walker
- Slug Shell
- Smashed In
- Snag
- Snow Burial
- Solutions
- Something To Do
- Soul Attrition
- Soul Low
- Soup Moat
- Southern Comfort
- Southside Stranglers
- Space Collector
- Space Raft
- Speed Freaks
- SS Web
- Static Eyes
- Steel Iron
- Steve Beguhn
- Stone
- Storm Clouds
- Subjugation
- Sunday Flood
- Suruk
- Swarming
- Teenagers
- Temple
- Terrior Bute
- Testa Rosa
- The 57’s
- The Accidents
- The Avoided
- The Bangkok Taxi Pimps
- The Barrettes
- The Belle Weather
- The Benjamins
- The Blackberries
- The Celebrated Workingman
- The Cock Smokers
- The Customary Silence
- The Cut-Outs
- The DUIs
- The Dynasty
- The Final Departure
- The Fresh Kills
- The Gleasons
- The Grovlers
- The Jetty Boys
- The Last Three Home
- The Listening Party
- The Living Statues
- The Mike Benign Compulsion
- The Motherthing
- The Nasty Boys
- The New Grey
- The Old Northwest
- The Piss Poor Players
- The Pisspoor Players
- The Rebuilts
- The Revomatics
- The Scarring Party
- The Sensationalists
- The Slurs
- The Thriftones
- The Transgressions
- The Unintimidated Comp
- The Vegans
- The Young Revelators
- The Zimmer Effect
- This Holiday Season
- This Specific Dream
- Tierra De Nadie
- Tim Keller
- Trapper Schoepp and the Shades
- Turbo’s Stunt Double
- Uhtcearu
- Up North
- Uptown Savages
- Vega
- Vintage Burning
- Volcanos
- Warbrides
- Wargames
- Wartorn
- Wasted Islands
- We Are Your Father
- We Must Dismantle All This
- Weary World
- Whips
- WI Beef Commission
- Wildbirds
- Wings Of Chaos
- Wolfbite
- Wooden Robot
- Wool
- Work
- Wrapped In Glass
- Zebras